Welcome to Langtang South Local Government Education Authority (LGEA) Official page

In view of the initiative of PLSUBEB Executive Chairman, Prof. Matthew Nshim Sule on an aggressive policy implementation strategies on information and communication technology in Education Administration between the state and grassroots level. Langtang South LGEA like any other LGEA are the executary body charged with the role to ensure total adherence to the Universal Basic Education Commission’s (UBEC) mission, vision and the set policies governing the Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme in the whole of Langtang South Local Government Area.
This page features all the happenings in Langtang South Local Government Education Authority (LGEA) including those in our over 50 public primary schools. Explore a handful of impressive educational and emanagement web applications pertinent to Jos North LGEA, such as Education Management Information System (EMIS), Geographic Information System of Schools, ProjectWatch™ Monitoring & Evaluation tool for quality assurance, e-library and elearning tool etc.

The Office of the Governor serves as a Regulatory and Control arm to PLSUBEB.

The Office of the Executive Chairman of PLSUBEB, coordinates all the affairs of PLSUBEB and the 17 LGEAs and also serves as a link to UBEC.

The Office of the Education Secretary serves as a Regulatory and Control arm to Jos North LGEA.